Friday 26 July 2024

Can't get enough of Nico Di Angelo and his Boyfriend Will Solace

Let's play name that book. Here's a fabulous quote. Can you guess what book it is from? 

"Will had kissed Nico for the first time in a moment of impulsiveness, something Nico didn't know Will had in him. The kiss had been just like this one, short and sweet. Then Will had pulled away, worry on his face, an apology tumbling from his lips."

So, of course, we've had so many great books from Rick Riordan since the first Percy Jackson book.

In my opinion, the books have just got better.

We had the first series: 5 Percy Jackson books from his POV.

Then we got 5 more and how exciting were they? Answer: very exciting! But I was so sad to see it all end. Because we thought that was it.

But RR didn't disappoint us. I remember the excitement when the new series was launched. And I have my favourite funny passages from the next 5 books - The Trials of Apollo.

Don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed dipping into the other worlds created by Rick as well.

But, you know, the great joy of going back into the land of Percy Jackson. And seeing more of the amazing character that is 

Nico Di Angelo 

the answer
the question
is below:

The Sun and the Star

What did you think of the latest book?
Are you hoping for more?
I am!

Monday 3 November 2014

Nico's first romantic kiss

Well as RR is done with the Percy Jackson world we have to leave the rest to our imaginations.

I like this bit of fan fiction.  This is how I imagine things would go.

More to say on the final book itself soon....

Saturday 11 October 2014

National Coming Out Day October 11th, just a few days after Nico Comes Out in Blood of Olympus

What is National Coming Out Day about?

It is NOT about making Gay people come out.
It IS about raising awareness of the issue of Coming Out...

Our society still mostly assumes people are Heterosexual unless there is some big obvious sign to say they are not.
If you are Queer, in any sense of the word, you never stop facing the issue of coming out.  When you meet new people or are in new situations, should you tell people from the start so as to avoid problems in the future? It is not fair, straight people don't have to worry about this over and over again but that is how it is.

Some think gay people shouldn't come out because who they have sex with is is private.  They are trying to be liberal - as in everyone is equal, its OK to be gay these days, they've got gay friends, etc. etc..  I think they have no appreciation of the problem.

I have children in school. Homophobic comments in schools are common place.  I also hear that for many L&G&Bi teenagers this is a particularly difficult time.  The reasons are obvious, surely.  Being a teenage is difficult anyway, plus pressures to conform, to fit in, to get a girl/boyfriend, as well as really having a crush on someone that perhaps you shouldn't fancy.  Do they fancy you or will they find the very idea repulsive?
The issues are well covered in House of Hades and Blood of Olympus, in addition to other books.

Coming Out Day may be an opportunity to raise awareness I would be interested to know what more can be done to help and support queer identifying people in our communities.  Myself, I have always taught my children about diversity, that includes Lesbian and Gay families, even from a very young age.

Nico Di Angelo Coming Out Day

In the Hero's of Olympus books Nico struggles with feelings of isolation and a fear that no one could like him, common feelings that teenagers can identify with.  Nico comes out in the last two books, he is lucky that he meets no hostility - but lets face it who would be brave enough or foolish enough to mock one of the most powerful demi-Gods, a demi-god who can summon a Zombie army, the son of Hades.
Instead Nico is surprised to realise people like him.

Wednesday 8 October 2014

What happens to Nico in Blood of Olympus?

So many questions - is Nico Gay in this book? Does he tell Percy how he feels about him?
Do other people find out?
Does Nico find romantic interest with someone else?
There will be no Blood of Olympus spoilers on my website in the very month the book is published so I am going to tell you that I enjoyed the way RR wrote about Nico and how things ended for him.

Blood of Olympus is a good book.
To fully appreciate Nico's story you really need to go back to when his character first appeared, in the Percy Jackson books.  By the time the Hero's of Olympus series begins Nico is already established as a great hero in the Greek camp, as important as Percy.
He is a son of one of the big three God's and just as powerful as Percy& Jason (perhaps the most powerful of all).
As readers we like him.

The story about growing up and feelings changing.  This book is also totally suitable for the age group of children who have read the other books, age 9+.

The House of Hades and now the Blood of Olympus are ground breaking books.

Monday 6 October 2014

Less than 24 Hours to Go

then I will be reading my new copy of the latest and final installment.
Blood of Olympus

I have been rereading the earlier books to remind myself of the back story to the many main characters.
I am so excited.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

The Final Installment

Less than one month to go before I get my hands on the final book in the series, The Blood of Olympus. I still recall reading the very first Percy Jackson book and I do hope there will be more.

The books have fueled my interest in Greek Mythology, which is still relevant and influential today.  I can most highly recommend the book Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, it was as good and as funny as the other books by Rick Riordan.

Saturday 5 July 2014

James Howe and the 4 Misfits Books

At last another book in the series from James Howe.

My 12 year old son greatly enjoyed the Misfits (as did I).  Interestingly he doesn't identify with their group - he's quite popular and e goes to a selective school - so all the kids are bright.  He has just read Totally Joe and is about to start on Addie on the Inside.  Several times he has asked me if there is or will be a book from Skeezies point of view.
And now there is.

Personally I was Addie when I was at school so I know how well her character was written.

Also Know As Elvis by James Howe was published recently but I've not read it yet.